which statement about public relations is correctgeorgia guidestones time capsule

which statement about public relations is correct

Which of the following statements about public relations is true? The company should never try to minimize a serious problem or smooth it over in the hope that no one will notice. For example, can we represent the interests of loyal employee groups while our shareholders demand layoffs in favor of low-cost offshore suppliers?. correct incorrect. Thong-clad actor Sacha Baron Cohen promotes Bruno by landing in Eminems lap at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards. Steps to Take to Weather a Public Relations Crisis - Business News Daily Core Principle Public relations professionals work constantly to strengthen the publics trust in the profession. Providing advice to management concerning policies, relationships, and communications. Decline representation of clients or organizations that urge or require actions contrary to this Code. The four models of PR include traditional publicity, public information, persuasive communication, and two-way symmetrical models. (Recall that framing was defined in Chapter 9.) Receivers almost immediately become senders in a network. In 1992, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency adopted the new term and changed the classification of biosolids to a fertilizer from a hazardous waste. Although line agencies serve primarily in a support capacity, they may also have groups that perform the agencies' designated tasks. This renaming helped New York City eliminate tons of sewage by shipping it to states that allowed biosolids (Stauber & Rampton, 1995). Firms need to show that they are working toward positive resolutions to deflect the negative publicity. Even then, there is no guarantee that seeing something seven times will compela person to buy a certain product, vote for a particular politician or take any other consumer action. Sometimes we even base our behavior on what we think other people will do after receiving a message in the mass media. It is helpful to perform an act of goodwill during or immediately after a crisis when possible. Chapter 1 - History, Impact, and The Big Picture, Chapter 2 - Digital Culture and Social Media's Impact on Public Relations, Chapter 4 - Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) and Public Relations, Chapter 5 - Why Public Relations Writing Matters, Chapter 6 - The Role of Writing in Public Relations, Chapter 7 - Public Relations Writing Basics, Chapter 8 - Ethical and Legal Considerations, Chapter 9 - Tools and Tactics for the PR Toolbox, Chapter 10 - Establishing a Professional Portfolio. Just as PR campaigns build brands, PR crises can damage them. No matter the public relations vehicle, there must be a common buyer that all parties want toreach. Which statement about government response to Hurricane Katrina is correct? PR techniques have been used in propaganda efforts throughout the 20th century. These chats aimed to justify many New Deal policies, and they helped the president bypass the press and speak directly to the people. That entire doctrine has come and gone. New technologies such as blogs have enabled virtually anyone to participate in the news gathering process, meaning that public relations practitioners must work with both . 120 Wall Street, 21st Fl. Advertising is challenging enough when products do not raise ethical dilemmas. Below the line (BTL) advertisingrefers to more one-on-one marketing approaches which can include targeted social media campaigns, direct mail marketing, point-of-sale ads, coupons and deals, and email and telemarketing appeals. These efforts can range from wild publicity stunts to simple news conferences to celebrity interviews in fashion magazines. Which statement about staff and line agencies is TRUE? a. Line agencies Journalists know that people care about safety perhaps more than any other issue, so they focus on safety concerns during times of crisis. First, the consumer needs to be made aware of the brand and its products. An important part of maintaining a consistent brand is preserving the emotional attachment consumers have to that brand. C. Advertising is not useful for persuading an audience. Roosevelts personal tone and his familiarity with the medium of radio helped the Fireside Chats become an important promotional tool for his administration and its programs. Parts of this chapter remixed from Curation and Revision provided by: Boundless.com is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Reflection is a critical step in learning and corporations are like any other social institution. However, a company should not speculate; if they dont know the facts, they should say so and promise to get back to the media as soon as possible. D. Messaging is the process of creating a consistent story around a product, person, company, or service. The TIRC ran advertisements featuring the results of these studies, giving journalists who were addressing the subject an easy source to quote. But media relations is the tip of the iceberg. PR campaigns promoted the image of the Saturn family, associating the company with powerful American values and giving Saturn owners a sense of community. Therefore, the public relations professional helps to monitor and control conversations about a company or client and manage its reputation in the marketplace. They can be a quick response to a crisis or emerging issue, or they can stem from a long-term strategy tied in with other marketing efforts. This phase may also address budgetary restrictions and possibilities. This strategy served tobacco companies well up through the 1980s. Stakeholder theory identifies people who have a stake in a given institution or issue. However, this book focuses on a public relations approach based particularly on writing for the media. There are several PR tools firms can utilize to ensure the efficacy of PR programs: messaging, audience targeting, and mediamarketing. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. Following the third-person effect theory, an individual hears about a storm coming to the East Coast of the United States. There is a theory in the study of mass communication called the third-person effectthat says we tend to think advertising is effective but we believe that it does not affectus. In this manner, brands can engage with potential and repeat customers. This is not to say that BTL messages are crafted one at a time for individual consumers. The PR campaign of the Body Shop made it one of the great success stories of the early 1990s, but the unfounded nature of its PR claims undermined its image dramatically. Another way to think of this is as a pathway a potential customer makes, also known as theconsumer journey. So, what did people do? Communication managers assist in the strategic planning of an organizations communication efforts. Ethical practice is the most important obligation of a PRSA member. Favorable reviews of the shows generated positive press for Marlboro. Either private PR companies or in-house communications staffers carry out PR functions. Once safety has been restored, the company needs to face the public and face the facts. The history of the public relations field is often misunderstood. One of the first professional PR experts, Bernays made the two-way asymmetric model his early hallmark. e- Publicity is not part of public relations. a- Marketers cannot control whether the media choose to publish The Code is designed to be a useful guide for PRSA members as they carry out their ethical responsibilities. Public Relations Society of America Inc. These public conversations often take place through mass media and social media, which is why public relations professionals need to understand how to work with and write effective messages for the media. Broad strategies such as deciding on the overall message of a campaign and the best way to communicate the message can be finalized at this time. We provide objective counsel to those we represent. Politics has also embraced branding. During the strategy phase, PR professionals usually determine objectives focused on the desired goal of the campaign and formulate strategies to meet those objectives. A company will pay money to compensate a public figure, spokesperson, or influencer to use its logo or products. Effectively responding to any crisis means both controlling the public narrative and ameliorating any harm done, whether tangibly or to a companys reputation. P. T. Barnum was an early American practitioner of this kind of PR. A member intentionally leaks proprietary information to the detriment of some other party. PRSA is committed to ethical practices. We view the Member Code of Ethics as a model for other professions, organizations and professionals. Advertising correct incorrect * not completed. d- Event sponsorship is not an effective public relations The broad term communication manager includes several similar public relations positions: expert consultant, problem-solving facilitator, and communication liaison. The first step of many PR campaigns is the initial research phase. a. please help me to solve these In 2000, BP began a campaign presenting itself as Beyond Petroleum, rather than British Petroleum, the companys original name. Creating a sense of mystery around a brand generates an aura that bypasses the usual cynical take on commercial icons. Its. tool. b- The most common publicity-based tool is the press Handling unfavorable publicity means being honest with consumers and putting public interest first. Under the traditional publicity model, PR professionals seek to create media coverage for a client, product, or event. Now the concern has become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Learn more about how Pressbooks supports open publishing practices. Some highlights are referenced here. PR is about promoting good relationships with your consumers, your employees and the communities where your products are made. C. The city government of New Orleans refused to accept offers of federal assistance. More restrained examples of this type of PR include the modern phenomenon of faded celebrities appearing on TV shows, such as Paula Abduls long-running appearances on American Idol. Which of the following statements about public relations is not correct? This audience may include media outlets, constituents, consumers, and competitors. For instance, they may argue that political lobbying is a form of public relations because lobbyists engage in communication activities and client advocacy in order to shape the attitudes of Congress (Berg, 2009). They need to move from being interested to desiring a product if they are going to make the purchase. Specific criteria for evaluating the campaign when it is completed are also established at this time (Smith, 2002). 2023 Public Relations Society of America Inc. To maintain the integrity of relationships with the media, government officials, and the public. Expert Answer 100% (5 ratings) Answer The accurate statement about public relations is; it includes the use of speeches, corporate websites and special events sponsorships. For more information and resources, visit our Ethics Page. Disclose financial interest (such as stock ownership) in a clients organization. But, the PRSA Board of Directors retains the right to bar from membership or expel from the Society any individual who has been or is sanctioned by a government agency or convicted in a court of law of an action that fails to comply with the Code. They need to learn to survive and to thrive. After considering all of these factors, practitioners are better educated to select the best type of campaign. Encourage clients and customers to determine if a conflict exists after notifying all affected parties. Being prepared for harmful situations is imperative. tool. The company teamed up with Greenpeace and other environmental groups to promote green issues and increase its natural image. Social media sites have also encouraged branding techniques by allowing users to create profiles of themselves that they use to communicate their core values. Sale promotion. HubSpot, the advertising company that provided the quick history of advertising early on in this chapter alsogets credit for helping to popularizeinbound marketing. Be honest and accurate in all communications. release. A member discovers inaccurate information disseminated via a website or media kit and does not correct the information. They stockpiled rice. The groups working against smoking were not familiar with media relations, making it harder for journalists to quote them and use their arguments. ATL campaigns most often include television, radio and print ads as well as sponsorships. The campaign conducted interviews with consumers, giving them an opportunity to air their grievances and publicize energy policy issues. A lot of that is because of the Internet, a lot of that is because of cable TV news (Associated Press, 2006). We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. In a sense, inbound marketing turns advertising upside down by building spaces and inviting consumers in to find what they are already looking for rather than trying to create a need outof the glut of information in digital communication networks. Desire is an even smaller group of people who are real prospects as customers and at the action point, the funnel narrows where the real customers are located. By the mid-1990s, however, revelations about the unethical treatment of franchise owners called this image into serious question. By providing the press with information favorable to the tobacco manufacturers and publicly promoting new filtered cigarettes, the campaign aimed to replace the idea that smoking was undeniably bad with the idea that there was disagreement over the effects of smoking. We do not want anyone to beat us to the bread and milk. Working with mass media (television, web sites, newspapers, magazines, and the like) by seeking publicity or responding to their interests in the organization. b. a collection of techniques for persuading news organizations to give space or time to people or products that are not inherently newsworthy. This model is less concerned with obtaining dramatic, extensive media coverage than with disseminating information in a way that ensures adequate reception. Marlboro sponsored events that brought a great deal of media attention to the brand. Public service announcements like the one that shows your brain and your brain on drugs.. Major political influence is now wielded by fake accounts working to drum up anger and to promote misinformation to sway public opinion. Rather, the tone, style and method of dissemination of BTL advertising are more personal. correct incorrect. Awareness is associated with broad market potential. Media literacy is about what enters your mind: what stays in (that is, what issalient) and what goes out. An audiences attitudes and beliefs about a company can greatly influence its success. Ayer & Son is credited with being the first ad agency to work on commission. This model has held up in the years since its development and is a good introduction to PR concepts (Grunig & Hunt, 1984). Investigate the truthfulness and accuracy of information released on behalf of those represented. The profit in BTL marketing comes from reaching large audiences with tailored messages at specific times in relation to their previous purchasing and shopping behaviors. Mass media platforms may still be needed to reach mass audiences outside of a brands collection of fans and followers, but much goodwill can be generated by maintaining a proactive, positive and professional digital presence. It may seem that advertising is the biggest, most important element of the mass communication industry because its revenues fuel other types of mass media production, but advertising is only one piece of the marketing puzzle. The public information model moves away from the manipulative tactics used in the press agent model and presents more accurate information. An example of earned media is when Apple released a new iPhone, and news organizations provided coverage of the lines that wrapped around city blocks as people waited for the latest gadget. To fully understand the power of inbound marketing, ask yourself if you have ever become a brand advocate. The shoes also include a symbolic red dot on the toe with which to kick Nike. Apple has successfully developed PR campaigns surrounding product releases that leak selected rumors to various press outlets but maintain secrecy over essential details, encouraging speculation by bloggers and mainstream journalists on the next product. c- Event sponsorship is not an effective public relations More recently, Blackwater Worldwide, a private military company, dealt with criticisms of its actions in Iraq by changing its name. It is important to ensure that the information across all channels is accurate and as complementary as possible. b. . comm 151 ch12 Flashcards | Quizlet A. Which statement below correctly summarizes President Nixon's reasons for pursuing friendlier relations with China? To earn trust and mutual respect with clients or employers. B. His outrageous attempts at publicity worked because he was not worried about receiving negative press; instead, he believed that any coverage was a valuable asset. When British Petroleum (BP) had an oil gusher erupt in the Gulf of Mexico on April 20, 2010,after the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded, 11 people died, and more than three million barrels of oil leaked into the gulf. Like other theories related to persuasion in the mass media the behavioral influences it identifies have to contend with other social forces to influence behavior. A PRSA member declares publicly that a product the client sells is safe, without disclosing evidence to the contrary. Some press releases and newsletters are created based on this model, when audiences are not necessarily targeted or researched beforehand. Companies develop brands and specific products they want to sell. If there is a disaster, the advice is to "be truthful and transparent," to not say too much and to correct any exaggerations that emerge in the news media and on social media, within reason. Examples of Improper Conduct Under This Provision: Core Principle Open communication fosters informed decision making in a democratic society. In a sense, governmental propaganda is PR, but the client is a country. Acknowledge that there is an obligation to protect and enhance the profession. It involves developing consistent messages and content of uses that are so compelling people will come to the brand to experience them. It can take the form of blog posts or entire blogs. Helping people to survive is one of the primary functions of journalism. It originates from the public rath Show tab overview It is free. As it turned out, the Kuwaiti girl was really the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador and had not actually witnessed any of the alleged atrocities (Parsons, 2005). Emphasis on enforcement of the Code has been eliminated. Which statement about staff and line agencies is TRUE? In some cases, PR has begun overtaking advertising as the preferred way of promoting a particular company or product. Scientists even speculated on the chances of the station hitting the targetslim to none. The amount of money spent on traditional media channels has declined as more and more readers have turned to favor online and social media news sources. Then, they research the organization itself to clarify issues of public perception, positioning, and internal dynamics. Public Relations (PR) Meaning, Types, and Practical Examples - Investopedia a- The most common publicity-based tool is the news Now the doctrine is you respond instantaneously, and where possible with a strong counterattack. Professional agents seek media coverage for a client, product, or event. PR can focus on the company and the corporate narrative, the story of how the company came to exist and how it represents certain values and ideals at least in theory. . In a sense, content marketing allows a brand to create a more human profile in digital spaces. Corporations engage in PR combat all the time, though they often try to work undetected. From the mid-20th century on, advertisers conceptualized their work by breaking it down into one of two strategic categories: above-the-line and below-the-line methods. Their book details the ways in which modern companies use public relations to far greater benefit than they use advertising (Ries & Ries, 2004). D. Public relations deals only with the activities designed to sell a product or service. No one dies when people do their jobs salting the roads and drivers maneuver safely in snowstorms. To be considered effective, this model requires a measured response from its intended audience. Expert consultants develop a specific communication plan to help achieve organizational goals. Demonstrating the need for and encouraging the public support charitable organization primarily through financial contributions. Often, above the line implies that the ad or ad campaign a series of related ads meant to work in tandem appears onlegacy media platforms. PR is also the process of managing your organization's brand and communications especially in times of crisis. Now here is whats interesting about the third-person effect. Preserve the free flow of unprejudiced information when giving or receiving gifts by ensuring that gifts are nominal, legal, and infrequent. Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. Act quickly and spare no expense in distributing the information you determine the media and others should have. If Nike introduces a new Air Jordan, the branding is easily handled. The PR program must describe its target audiencein most instances, PR programs are aimed at multiple audiences that have varying points of view and needs. This document is designed to anticipate and accommodate, by precedent, ethical challenges that may arise. If an advertisement for a mattress describes its features and price, a blog funded by the mattress brand might compare the pros and cons of many different mattresses, perhaps with a bias for the brand. Creating and maintaining investor confidence and building good relationships with financial community. An early example of this kind of branding was Nikes product endorsement deal with Michael Jordan during the 1990s. Branding, once a technique used by companies to sell their products, has become an everyday means of communication. They may also conduct research on the potential results to better understand the cost and benefits of the campaign. Tobacco company Philip Morris started underwriting cultural institutions and causes as diverse as the Joffrey Ballet, the Smithsonian, environmental awareness, and health concerns. Conversely, dont blow minor incidents out of proportion or allow others to do so. New technologies have lengthened the news cycle, meaning that once something becomes news, it stays in the news for a very long time. Note here that social science theories are based on many observable facts. It is wide and the top and narrows at the bottom. It still moves people along the purchase funnel, but there is usually added value in this type of content. Historically, PR depended on other media platforms such as TV, newspapers and magazines to promote its content. Online advertising and social media marketing have made it possible to target people with personal messages but still purchase the ads on a massive scale. Finally, we presume that they will behave in certain ways because of the message and because of our preconceptions about different groups. Disclose promptly any existing or potential conflict of interest to affected clients or organizations. With the abundance of information readily available to audiences worldwide, companies are more vulnerable than ever to misinformation about their brand. Regulations prohibiting radio and TV cigarette advertisements had an enormous effect on sales. In 1953, studies showing the detrimental health effects of smoking caused a drop in cigarette sales. The two-way symmetric model is useful in communicating within an organization because it helps employees feel they are an important part of the company. Chapter 3 - Public Relations Basics - The Evolving World - Unizin For example, a politician might decide to target your brand regardless of whether your business practices are ethical. Even the most successful advertising and propaganda campaigns only constitute one area of influence on behavior. It was founded in Philadephia in 1869. The advent and increase of social media releases,search engine optimization, and online content publishing and the introduction of podcasts and video are relatedtrends. This section describes a few notable PR campaigns over the years. Researchers have found it is probably strongest in situations where groups have little understanding of one another and where the messages and perceived outcomes are thought to be negative (note the section on Perloff). Many think of public relations as organized manipulation made up of corporate, political and even non-profit propaganda. There are two other advertising concepts or theories that this text aims to introduce: the basic rule of seven and the third-person effect. I dont just go out and buy whatever ads tell me to buy. Advertising began in the early 1800's. B. BPs marketing firm developed a PR campaign that, at least on the surface, emulated the forward-looking two-way symmetric PR model. On one level, advertising is a simple concept. Whether you're responding to online reviews or just ensuring general customer satisfaction, if you run a. c. He thought a relationship with China might drive a wedge between the Soviet Union and China. On what part of society does public relations have - Course Hero It is a one-way form of communication. Public relations. PR campaigns occur for any number of reasons. Lobbyists make demands on politicians but also push agendas on mass media and social media platforms. A member employed by a client organization shares helpful information with a counseling firm that is competing with others for the organizations business. Consumers who have been so successfully persuaded to purchase and enjoy a product that they try to persuade others to buy it too extend the reach of advertising potentially exponentially. Cheney, who had been criticized in the past for being secretive, did not make a statement about the accident for three days. By building their brands into global symbols, both companies also came to represent unfettered capitalist greed to those who opposed them. Marketing versus PR: Five ways to tell the difference, The real difference between public relations and advertising, incredible and would have been unimaginable 20 years ago, promoted alongside the activity or content, refers to more one-on-one marketing approaches, limits on the number of large bags of rice people could purchase, where the messages and perceived outcomes are thought to be negative (note the section on Perloff), oil gusher erupt in the Gulf of Mexico on April 20, 2010, Next: Chapter 4 Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) and Public Relations, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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