homestuck class personalitiesgeorgia guidestones time capsule

homestuck class personalities

He is quick to anger, loud, and often rude, but has a strong sense of justice, and is good at heart. When he did, he was surrounded by a strange purple lightning, which turned red later, and may have been Rage itself considering the purple colours of his god tier robes. Mages could also be speculated as one who receives knowledge from [aspect] as opposed to the Seer's one who gains knowledge through [aspect]. Calliope has stated that Caliborn "prevails throUgh the simple inertia of inevitability that has always been on his side, as a lord of time." At least 2 of the remaining classes would therefore have to be female-exclusive, in order to balance the number of known male-exclusive classes (presumably Witch and Maid, given the feminine connotations). The garb of Knight is simple, wearing a T-shirt and pajamas while over it a blackish-grey hoodie cape, and flaunty red long-boots. Jade Harley (the Witch of Space) is able to change the size, velocity, and position of things in space, and an alternate-timeline Feferi (the Witch of Life) was shown healing WV in a dream bubble. She embodies an interest in both furries and shipping, a combination Hussie described as "for the sake of efficiency. This would explain the fact that Sollux's abilities benefit the team overall, but cause him a great deal of personal distress. Aside from her interest in the occult, the character also enjoys knitting and uses her knitting needles as her go-to weapons (strife specibus Needlekind). He claims he has a strong desire to kill all land-dwelling trolls and had commissioned a doomsday device from Vriska to that effect, but he never acts on any of this. [17] Her classpect is Thief of Light. One night, before entering Sgrub, an incident occurs which kills her lusus (caretaker); eventually it is revealed that this also killed Aradia, turning her into a ghost and causing her to lose interest in everything she enjoyed prior, including archaeology, and focus instead on acquiring and playing Sgrub. [HS 5] He is a fan of action movies and speaks in an antiquated fashion. The largest, most active Homestuck community in 2021. [citation needed] Her classpect is Rogue of Heart. If something doesn't look like you've seen it before in the comic, it's almost certainly based on the personalities/actions of the characters in the comic with that aspect. "[12], With few exceptions, all trolls fall on the hemospectrum, a caste system dictated by blood color and its corresponding attributes, such as lifespan, powers, personality, and rarity. Princes, it seems, are devoid of their aspect. Pages seem to have a tendency to begin their sessions with a personal deficit in their aspect. While several class mechanics are explicitly explained throughout Homestuck, others are only implied. He used the Breeze to lift the Dersite battleship containing WV and the Courtyard Droll, created a windy shield in Collide and was an important influenced in his session's direction, for example, gifting Rose her signature knitting needles and retconning the entire Game Over timeline. Early pages of Homestuck were experiments in "fan-sourced storytelling", where Hussie allowed readers of Homestuck to name its characters and make story suggestions. The Mage class is most commonly thought to be the active (-) counterpart to Seer, someone that "benefits themselves with knowledge pertaining to [aspect]" and "guides by setting an example using knowledge pertaining to [aspect]," like how Sollux actively led the surviving trolls away from their doom. Sylphs and Witches could have something to do with secrets as well. First shown on-screen during Homestuck's third act, Shaenon Garrity described Jade as "the most recalcitrant" of the four kids. Your favorite Homestuck kid/troll bursts through an inter-session portal, badly wounded, making a last stand against furious horrorterrors pouring through after them. In the figurative sense, she focused on helping people to heal from psychological wounds. Q9: Congratulations, you're in! His astrological sign is Cancer. He looks angry. Hello! The horse emits a series of telepathic neighs and whinnies, which you immediately understand to be a proposition: The horse will grant you incredible powers, among them super-strength, super-speed, regeneration, and glowy skin, on the condition that if you accept your teammates' sprites will all instantly die. Witches are also likely to be a Sylph's counterpart due to the similarities between the two classes, explored in the Sylph's section. [6] Rose forms a relationship with, and marries in Act 7, the troll Kanaya Maryam during the events of Homestuck. There is evidence which seems to indicate that Calliope's theories about class gender restrictions may be incorrect. Sollux is known to evade absolute death, even becoming only half-dead. He is shy and unassertive, and struggles with standing up for himself, especially to Vriska. The other option, which could correspond to Calliope's role as a Muse, is for the player to give up all ambition and accept their own death in exchange for the promise that their sacrifice will benefit all who ever lived by ending "a force of unfathoma8le evil and destruction" - in other words, the player who chose the first option. John throughout the story was referred to as a wizard, and had connections with the mythic archetype of a Magician like the Witch; such as familiars. Her astrological sign is Scorpio. Bards can be seen as the opposite of the Prince pattern. He copied this behavior from his older brother (also his biological father through ectobiology and his only guardian), who collects puppets and katanas on what Dave assumes is an ironic level. She also took what was arguably the most significant part of the battle against the Black King of her session, by landing the killing blow. Her class, Muse, is the most passive (+) of all classes, while Caliborn's class, Lord, is the most active (-)[citationneeded]. You know they're inside, and their dreamself is dead. Jade displays powers that completely go against the laws of physics. Known Princes are Dirk Strider, the Prince of Heart; Eridan Ampora, the Prince of Hope; and Kurloz Makara, the Prince of Rage. Homestuck Classes and Personalities: Heir: Heir's personalities are very diverse- their personality is more ruled by their aspect than their class. The Heir is a passive (+) class[1], whose exact definition is not yet known. [HS 24] His classpect is Bard of Rage. Caliborn's Lord outfit is composed of a cloak longer than the Heir hood which drapes over his shoulders, apparently double pronged at the end, but otherwise seems to match his previous outfit, complete with green suspenders and pants which leave his robotic leg uncovered, along with a lime green bowtie, identical to his text color. Not including muse or lord (I don't own homestuck or the pics.) In addition, Mages, like Seers, seem to be more directly cognizant of their exiles' commands. When you start it up, it turns out to be a working version of Sburb! She lives in a cave with her lusus, and is known for acting like a cat. iit2 kiind of liike how a prophet earn2 hii2 2triipe2, by beiing bliind, liike how an angel earn2 iit2 wiing2. Alright, so with all of the Classes done, its time for the Aspects. This suggests that Bards can use their aspect to improve their own abilities and possibly others. Reishi, Nettle, and Chamomile! This concept is illustrated through Equius's fulfilment of his aspect in his act of dyingthe alpha timeline could not have continued if Equius had lived. What do you do? The exact definition of the Page class is currently unknown, as is its passive/active alignment, though it is hinted that the class "provides others with [aspect]" or "creates [aspect]" as seen here. His astrological sign is Taurus. Alternatively, a Mage may display the absence of their aspect. It could also be speculated that the Muse class is based on the traditional role of a muse: to inspire. It is speculated that heirs are ones who invite change through [aspect]; they are apparently drawn to their aspect, subconsciously seeking it. Karkat has his "shouty angry leader" act, in part because of the aspirations he had to become a leader- aspirations that are speculated to be a means for him to deal with otherwise debilitating self deprecation on account of his mutated blood. Crocker's classpect is the Maid of Life. The Bard is also quite the wildcard, unpredictable by nature and thus equally likely to help or hinder his party, often to great effect. Heirs generally have to do very little work to become key players- fate guides them naturally to where they are supposed to go and what they are supposed to do. Due to their nature as the destroyer class, it stands to reason that they destroy their aspect in themselves; Dirk describes himself as heartless and Eridan says that there is no hope left when he wants to join Jack, making him hopeless. The Heir class could also mean one that manipulates [aspect] or one that changes [aspect]. Yet another speculation is that Mage is synonymous to being "given protection from [aspect]'s ill effects". Hence, the Maid could always start their session with a surplus of their aspect which enables them to freely give it. This potential is also hinted at when Tavros and Aradia talk about how Tavros's Flarp class Boy-Skylark's useful c0mbat abilities [d0n't] c0me int0 play until y0u reach a very high level and here when Aranea said: You see, in every hero of hope there dwells a gr8 hidden power, unrivaled 8y that of any other aspect and for a page, the journey to reach his full potential is longer than it is for any other class. It is not clear whether this is Caliborn's original default Lord of Time outfit or a modified version like Meenah's outfit in Ministrife, but modifications very likely took place. As the Condesce, in A2, she was able to lengthen the lifespans of others, possibly indefinitely, on a whim. He frequently calls his friends by two-letter abbreviations of their names (e.g. Lifespan and population Trolls higher on the hemospectrum have longer lifespans, with rust bloods usually living only a dozen or two sweeps (26 to 50 years) and most lower blood castes living roughly as long as a human, with green castes having lifespans extending above a hundred years. Q7: You need to prototype, and you're running out of time! [23] Creatrix Tiara of Autostraddle noted that Hussie was highly successful with creating a diverse LGBT cast, by writing the characters in a "realistic, non-fetishistic manner." Dirk (albeit the splintered version of Dirk that exists only within Jake's subconscious) reveals that Pages have a lot of untapped potential and once they find this potential within them they are adept at using it. Please note that although this may be an accurate quiz, your result may not line up with your personality completely. Kanaya's romantic relationship with Rose Lalonde is one of the most popular canon same-sex relationships in the webcomic, commonly referred to as "Rosemary. [11] Troll culture features a complex system of romance, featuring four "quadrants",[HS 6] that was specifically designed to encourage shipping among Homestuck fans. Homestuck characters are particularly popular to cosplay at anime conventions.[1]. Surrounded by bad video games and junk food,[7] he wears aviator sunglasses, obscuring his eyes entirely, and wields katana in combat situations. "[5] She is Equius' moirail, or pacifying platonic soulmate, and has a crush on Karkat. Feferi was able to establish an afterlife through dream bubbles, therefore breaking the rules of Life. It is assumed that their active (-) counterpart is the Witch, as both John and Jade can seemingly change (with) their aspects, John by initially using the Windy Thing unintentionally and by the will of his aspect, and Jade by changing the form of objects by shrinking/enlarging them. This is a unconfirmed unisex class. Homestuck mentions 14 modules in which 12 classes belong to normal classes while 2 are master classes. Heart is the wellspring for the infinite variety of sentient life, each of us made unique in our subtle byplay of . Inspiring rage in the other trolls to prevent them from fighting effectively is part of what ultimately led to all of their destruction in the Game Over timeline. some more strongly passive or active than others. If one goes out on a limb, one may also speculate that it is the counterpart to heir, being one who causes others to be affected by [aspect], as Sollux does with his virus, causing others to be affected by doom, or Meulin could do or could have done with shipping, causing others to be affected by heart. Knight is the class that takes in heroes and the ones who have a lion's heart. This can be shown by how Meulin is being manipulated through Kurloz, her former matesprit (which is the quadrant represented by a heart), and how Sollux was manipulated by the voices of the imminently deceased or the doomed, as well as ghostly Aradia. It is unclear where they fall on the active/passive axis. Additionally, when asked about the possibility of a female character with the Prince class, Andrew Hussie gave a simple "sure". Maid could refer to "protecting/cleaning up/tidying [aspect]". Mage class could also be the passive (+) counterpart to the Witch class and can mean one who manipulates with or through the use of [aspect] or one who is manipulated by [aspect]. One historical reference for the term 'maid' is "unmarried lady of noble birth who attends a queen or princess," (think Maid Marian of Robin Hood fame) which could place this class among the highly-active royalty derived classes like Lord and Prince. A possible third time is when the wind blew out a fire on LOWAS . The name Karkat is a reference to "Karkata" the name of Cancer in the Hindu zodiac. Gamzee is a purple-blooded troll with strong ties to his religious faith, referred to as the "Cult of the Mirthful Messiahs". While the first few acts of Homestuck focused on a more realistic theme of what it is like for a group of kids to be friends on the Internet, the trolls took on more explicit representations of facets of Internet culture. For example, Vriska, a troll with spider-like attributes, replaces the letter 'B' with the number '8' and uses emoticons with eight eyes. What do you do. A different definition may be that a Mage is one who arms themselves with knowledge about [aspect] which can be seen by Sollux Captor creating the Mobius Double Reacharound Virus, which dooms the Trolls' Lusi, and blows up Karkat's computer. [6] He is often high on Sopor Slime or possessed by other forces such as Lord English or his classpect. His astrological sign is Capricorn. Find out what your god tier class is! This is later seen to be definitely true as all known seers have been known to gain information from the experiences of their alternate selves. Dave puts on the "aloof coolkid" mask, complete with shades that hide his emotions. The Six Major Functions that the classes represent, or in other terms, the 6 possible ways of interacting with any given object, situation or environment. [22], Mary Kinney of New York University wrote that Homestuck, which is heavily stylized as an adventure game, features an "implied character" as the player. Sollux had two dream selves, was able to exit the dream bubble he was in, and only half died, while Meulin seems to have been spared heartbreak despite her romantic troubles. The passive/active system exists on a scale, with some classes being more passive or active than others. [9] He wields a sword (using the strife specibus Bladekind). It is unconfirmed whether Latula assisted Porrim with frog breeding in the A1 session. Maids are the only class seen with two colors (not including multiple shades of the same color) on the shoes that are unique to the rest of the outfit. Known Bards are Gamzee Makara, the Bard of Rage; and Cronus Ampora, the Bard of Hope. Sollux is a gold-blood, a caste known for great psychic power. It shares this quality with the Maid, Heir, and Page outfits, although it's currently unclear whether the other classes have similarly equipped outfits. Q3: If you could have any of the below powers (in real life), which would you go for? What do you hope your land is like? [HS 23] His astrological sign is Sagittarius. Take this Homestuck Classpect quiz to find out your class and aspect. Gamzee destroyed his own innate rage with the sopor slime before entering their game, only to go off of it and becoming highly destructive as a result. [HS 10][HS 11] Her classpect is Maid of Time. Sollux heard the voices of the imminently dead (the doomed), and Meulin, despite being deaf, is able to communicate with her ex-matesprit; in essence, she could hear his soul (which could be taken literally, given his use of telepathy, she hears his self). Ampora is derived from amphora which translates from Latin into "Beaker." The largest, most active Homestuck community in 2021. I'm Dahni Witch of Light! This would be supported by Aranea's unlocking light for others, and Jade's unlocking space by her teleporting, expanding/shrinking, and moving powers. Classes can be matched based on how similar their roles' functions are; within these pairs, one class serves as passive (+), the other as active (-), with each member of a certain . I'll be doing them in one big batch. The traditional connotations of sylphs and witches are generally mysterious and secretive. One speculation for the class is one who creates [aspect] or one who creates through [aspect] for the betterment of others. One of the Mages apparently experienced this as well. Act 6 Intermission 3 implies that both non-God Tier and God Tier Seers can use tarot decks to enhance their sight powers. 8ut once that journey is over, how fearsome he 8ecomes! What would an evil horse laugh even sound like? The character is described as "ruthless, manipulative [and] powerful", and was considered among the "most hardcore" eyepatch-wearing fictional characters by The Mary Sue. Sollux's creation of Sgrub, as well as the creation of the virus, could also be seen as evidence that Mages are in fact ones who create [aspect], although whether this makes the class active or passive is debatable. Dirk later confirms that the hood does indeed have some sort of cloth tiara deal embedded in it. It should be noted that, in a somewhat related circumstance, the god tier outfit of the Bard class comes standard with a clown-like form better suiting a jester and massive codpiece, which is a highly likely reference to Bard Quest's Hull of the Flagship codpiece. Late in the webcomic, Hussie introduced Davepetasprite^2, a fusion of the characters Davesprite (an apparitional alternate timeline version of Dave) and Nepeta Leijon. Most accurate and intricate is probably thinking it out for yourself. As such, the definition of Sylph is thought to be one who heals [aspect] or one who heals through [aspect] for others. Thus, Equius himself died to inherit the true strength of his aspect. According to Lauren Rae Orsini writing for The Daily Dot, there existed 128 named characters in Homestuck in September 2012, with more still being introduced. However she later states I Am On Record As Once Having Facetiously Likened It To A Magical Witch, casting that into doubt. [6] She often uses a hunting rifle (specibus Riflekind) in battle. God tier images used are credit to Andrew Hussie, original art by multiple artists. [12] Many more sprites appear throughout the story, the most notable of which are Tavrisprite, Erisolsprite, and Jasprosesprite^2. His astrological sign is Aquarius. Alternatively, it could be presumed that the lord holds the combined roles of the active (-) classes, while the muse holds the roles of the passive (+). A definition of a Mage is one who knows about [aspect] or one who knows about [aspect] for themselves. Another speculation is that Witch is related to "breaking the rules" of their aspect. I write a lot about Homestuck's SBURB, God Tier and Land Quest (aka "Classpect") system, and I have tags for different things such as: Aspect, Class, Derse or Prospit, Class Active/Passive Spectrum, Inversion/Overembracing, Denizens, Land Quests and finally just SBURB, under which falls all of the above plus the other less important parts of SBURB like . His associated zodiac sign is Aquarius (), and his horns are wavy which represent his associated symbol. Simplistically, active means self-serving, passive means group oriented, where active classes employ or affect their aspect directly and for their own gain, and passive classes are affected by their aspect, and work to benefit their team. 2) Dirk destroys Jake's fake confidence and fantasies of adventure so that he might develop the real confidence necessary to pursue his true power as a Page of Hope. John Egbert is the main protagonist of Homestuck and the first character that is introduced. 4) Dirk even breaks himself down into 'splinters' in attempts to improve and better understand himself, but winds up forced to confront the most negative aspects of his personality and how to overcome them. he went back in time to save his friends and their whole session. Witch could also be a pun. Enter Your Name Start Quiz By MetaXing The most common definition of a Witch is one who manipulates [aspect], although that seems a little vague. Bard and Prince are a pair of classes, respectively passive (+) and active (-), that deal with destruction. Caliborn, of course, as an active player, chooses the more active choice: to prove himself through a series of trials before receiving unconditional immortality and a limitless supply of power, "to destroy anything he wanted, for as long as he wanted". Sollux also is able to sense impending doom through the voices of the dead. Known Seers are Rose Lalonde, the Seer of Light; Terezi Pyrope, the Seer of Mind; and Kankri Vantas, the Seer of Blood. Home Realizacje i porady Bez kategorii homestuck class personalities. Meulin's reputed skills as a masterful matchmaker, even bringing together unlikely pairings, also supports this view. ", "Stuck on Homestuck: Shelby Cragg's paint adventure", "The Wizeguy: 'Homestuck' inspired 'Hiveswap' Interview", "Thanks for playing: the weird legacy of 'Homestuck', Calliope states that some more strongly passive or active than others. It is a vague concept with some flexibility, however Calliope gives two examples of this pairing dichotomy: Aradia (the Maid of Time) was able to freeze Jack, while Jane (the Maid of Life) was able to heal herself after being stabbed, and is able to bring people back from the dead - an ability, according to Jade, that is limited to one use per person. Curiously, the only session to succeed in breeding a healthy Genesis Frog involved the Time and Space players working together. This "nebulous" actor changes the Homestuck world. You have total control of the comic for one day, and inherit all of Andrew Hussie's artistic ability. (However, this can also be seen by looking at Nepeta and possibly The Disciple, so this may be part of the Heart aspect. The webcomic centers on a group of teenagers who unwittingly bring about the end of the world through the installation of a beta copy of an upcoming computer game. MS Paint Adventures Wiki is a FANDOM Comics Community. [HS 4] At a young age, he made a digital copy of his brain that became his self-aware chat auto-responder. Interestingly, the tiara appears to be attached to the hood. John speculated to himself that a Seer might be someone who knows how the consequences of certain actions play out, but he was likely talking about Seers of Mind specifically, not all Seers. Terezi is the troll who guides Dave through the earlier acts of Homestuck. Despite being known to be a miracle worker when it comes to match making, Meulin's own romantic history ironically is riddled with trouble and heartbreak. By taking the test, you may determine which of the 288 signs below is your True Sign . It'll be much more accurate than this stupid fan-made class quiz. [HS 14] Tavros' ancestral figure, Rufioh, was inspired by the character Rufio from the 1991 film Hook. [HS 26] She is fuchsia-blooded, the highest ranking blood caste, being that of royalty, but is shown to be much more passive than other high bloods, wanting to coddle low bloods rather than "cull" them, which is in some ways worse. A Sburb player's assigned title consists of 2 parts - the aspect, and the class, the latter indicating the intended role of the player, and how they may use their aspect. We update the quiz regularly and it's the most accurate among the other quizzes. In the case of a Rogue/Thief pairing, both classes 'steal', however Rogues do so to help their teammates, and Thieves do so for their own benefit. Speaking of Terezi, In Act 6 Act 6 Intermission 2 he was able to momentarily destroy her Rage in which led her to be brutally beaten by him. But before you know it, an incredibly contrived situation unfolds before you! This also could allude to Roxy's description of the active/passive classes being similar to the "attack/defend powers in an RPG". Three male-exclusive classes were stated (Bard, Prince and Lord), as was one female-exclusive class (Muse). This could qualify as using his blood to his advantage. No example of this has been seen with Latula, however. The tale of Calliope's tragedy, for example, inspired hundreds of souls to seek her out, or, at the very least, to seek a way to kill Caliborn. Aradia, as the Maid of Time, used time travel to avert doomed timelines, thus "repairing" the timeline, and Jane, as the Maid of Life, healed herself using her powers, which is similar to Aranea's use of light to heal people. In this way, the reader experiences Homestuck's narrative through the experiences of various characters. Equius is presented as an indigo-blooded robotics expert with an unnatural amount of strength. While several class mechanics are explicitly explained throughout Homestuck, others are only implied. Master modules are not explained in detail as compared to normal classes which are extremely well explained. The options may delineate the roles of the two master classes. She is teal-blooded and portrayed as an avid role-player and has a strong sense of justice. The exact definition of the Witch class is unknown. A Dersite dedicated to the ideals of justice and law enforcement. Calliope's theories aren't always accurate, and Calliope's understanding of gender may be based on the concept of her own species' duality, so what she may understand as gendered traits may be according to personality traits contrasting her and Caliborn. In the literal sense, she restores Terezi's eyesight for her, as well as Jake's mind. A possible speculation into Seer powers would be one who understands [aspect] or one who understands through [aspect] for others, with their active counterpart being the Mage class.

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