composite saturn in 8th housegeorgia guidestones time capsule

composite saturn in 8th house

Composite Sun in the 11th House. the difficult conversations will be had. Transit Saturn in 1st House. You are more able than most couples to work through problems objectively by talking things through and not flying off the handle. This can take its toll over the long term. You can do research into anything you need to know more about together, and you can get to the core of any issues and come up with solutions together. They equally desire one another in most cases. Similar to having Saturn in the 8th House, p eople with Moon in their 8th house are very in tune with their emotions and others. However, if you stifle each others creativity and individuality, the partnership will suffer. This is a potentially very intimate union, and care must be taken to nurture one another. Neither of you are likely to offend the other with an inflated self-image. A strong spiritual connection can help you to feel that your bonds are unbreakable, and this can help you grow closer. Don't let Saturn drag you down this way. You are inclined to focus on details rather than the big picture, and this can make you quite susceptible to the tiniest of changes in your environment. Yes, the 8th house is the house of Scorpio - the house of death and rebirth, the house of crisis. For the most part, however, you truly enjoy each others company. Still, one or either of you may wish for more intimacy from each other and less freedom! Next: The Composite Chart: Planetary Aspects. Your relationship is based on a very solid foundation. You are excitable when you are together, and the sexual chemistry between you is so apparent its almost tangible. You want to drive the cars and live in the neighborhoods that make you appear successful. A worst, you feel completely restricted in your communication, and it's difficult to discuss important issues. Do your best not to make so many sacrifices for one another that you end up ignoring your own needs for happiness. A busy 8th house shows a very deep bond between two people. This is a powerful, high-energy relationship that can easily sweep you off your feet! Such a relationship brings individual pain and suffering to influence a transformational change in the partners' personalities. Whatever the case may be, Saturn in the house of beginnings and initiative suggests some awkwardness, simply because Saturn is not very comfortable doing the initiating when it comes to close, intimate relationships. Venus And Mars Conjunction in the eighth house. It's important to remember that Saturn can be extreme. You may often feel that the emotions between the two of you are on display in some way. Together, you tend to take more risks and to make decisions more impulsively than you would as individuals. You have come together to learn about your own deepest feelings and needs, and this may not always be pleasant! Or, you might find that giving each other space helps as well. Do your best to avoid mind games and power struggles. So, with your composite Saturn in your ninth house, you may think more conservatively together than when you are apart. Strong second house relationships are built on security. If the relationship lasts, the tables turn and the younger person cares for the older person. The Moon in a prominent position in the composite chart suggests that emotions are dealt with quite promptly and directly. It represents the vitality of the relationship. Limiting this area will only lead to arguments. While it's true that we need to take care of daily tasks in order to keep our lives running smoothly, and it's true that we should do things correctly, Saturn in the sixth house of a composite chart can have you obsessing over it. However, when Saturn is strong and dignified, there are positive outcomes extracted from the difficult energies of the 8th house. You may explore new ways of using the resources that you have, and can take an unconventional approach to sharing. You are flexible with one another, and you give each other much freedom. Conversations between the two of you are generally playful and lively. If Saturn is very close to the Ascendant, natural enthusiasm and spontaneity may be lacking. Let's take a look at what Saturn is telling you based on house and sign. You may tend to exclude others, preferring to be alone together much of the time. Nervousness and tension can be the result. - MY Saturn makes an aspect to his Moon made me more committed to this connection than he was (he didn't cheat, he just didn't want to stay in it for the long haul) . You feel at home with one anotherand will likely want to spend a lot of time alone together. Composite Venus in the 7th House. There is a dreamy aura about you. Your self-image as a couple is tested when your composite Saturn is found in your first house. Do your best to avoid the shadow side of this position: manipulative tactics, brooding, and suspiciousness. Another manifestation of the composite twelfth-house Saturn is an inability to bring serious, negative issues out into the open for discussion. Unable to let go of control in your life. Being in a position where there is mystery or confusion surrounding your partner and/or your relationship can be trying over time. Your reputation and status as a couple is also a serious matter and you are likely to be seen as a hard-working, practical couple. The ruler of the 12th house, Saturn, actually leaves the realm of the 12th ur-soup, and wanders into Leo in the 7th house conjunct Vertex. While grievances tend to be out in the open, and this can be very helpful, you will need to try to avoid competing with one another. The tenth house is about achievement and status, usually in a career, and Saturn represents the father-figure that takes things seriously, is cautious, concerned about the future and craves security. Saturn knows there are no short cuts in life. However, in either case, you are serious about your finances and assuring yourselves a comfortable life in this material world. Composite Pluto in the 12th House. Sun In 8th House Transit, Sun In 8th House Composite. The only potential problem with this position is the tendency towards glossing over the details in favor of the big picture. However, it can also make the relationship feel suffocating. The 8th House: The eighth house is the most natural house to experience in a composite. You come across as a somewhat traditional and practical couple. Expressing yourselves sexually and creatively comes naturally, and inhibitions in these areas are unlikely unless Mars is seriously challenged. Initial reluctance, self-consciousness, or general reticence may have characterized the beginning of this partnership. It shows where and how the couple shine and express their vital life energy. Adaptability is the hallmark of your relationship. How these positions will play out will depend on the aspects the planet makes, as well as which houses and positions the planet rules. You are not big risk-takers together, perhaps because you fear you will lose security if you venture into the unknown. It brings a deep interest in the matters ruled by the 8th house. However, humans are imperfect, and complete faith is hard to keep up all of the time. Theyre hard to hide. Saturn here inhibits natural expression, such that the inner workings of your relationship are kept private. Relations with in-laws and other relatives post-marriage may be unpleasant due to an afflicted or weak Sun. The ability to harness and manipulate energy is often present within them and many 8th House placements are said to create psychic abilities . You admire one another and easily forgive each other when things go wrong. In general, one may be more aggressive or demanding than the other. Together you are focused on the deepest issues of the relationship, and the focus isn't intellectual, like an air house would be, or practical like an earth house would be. Composite Ascendant in Sagittarius. A compulsive quality to the relationship is also possible, as are shared secrets, some element of mystery, and a strong emphasis on privacy in your romantic life. A feeling of warm familiarity surrounding your personal belief systems is likely when you come together. Sun feels at ease here because he is in the home of . They may not be business set-ups, but they can often feel like them. You are not ones to fight or put each other down when times are tough. Saturn's serious, responsible nature casts a heavy feeling on the seventh house in a composite chart. When your Pluto is in your partner's 7th house your partner finds you secretive, elusive, intense and mysterious. It's good in that you are both likely to support each other and put your relationship before any individual interests. High expectations can be the result (especially if Neptune or Pisces is also involved), or the tendency to gloss over problems. Part of you embraces change, and another part resists it. This can be good and bad. This is not a relationship that is impersonal, by any means. Stifling one anothers feeling of freedom of expression is one of the worst things you can do. Either or both of you may sometimes crave more intimacy or romance in your communications with each other, but, at the end of the day, it likely feels good to count on each other to be fair in your dealings. You take your ability to earn an income and provide for yourselves as a couple seriously, and hard work is something you both consider necessary. The couple will have to work on communicating what it is they want from the relationship, but this can be challenging. There is a powerful theme of protectiveness in this relationship. When applied to the fourth house, this focus can make your home family life feel like a hard-labor prison sentence rather than a cozy haven with the people you love. So, in a composite chart, Saturn in the fifth house can make the normally giddy and titillating affairs of this house seem childish and impractical. The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. The 8th House is known as the House of Sex, but physical contact becomes a problem when Saturn is placed in this House. 4-The Sun and Saturn are the only two planets that perform well and are vital in the sixth, eighth, and twelfth houses. Venus is a symbol of deep love. You may even feel stronger as a couple than you do as individuals. Both friendship and freedom to be yourselves form the basis of your relationship. In order to make this position work, there needs to be a feeling of mutual devotion and your individual egos need to take a back seat, as inequality is a theme of this position. People are attracted and repelled. Composite Ascendant in Aquarius. Paying attention to the theme of the Composite Suns house placement is especially important. house indicates you may be very insecure in your relationship with. Theres nothing superficial about this relationship. Others may think you are together for practical or intellectual reasons rather than emotional ones because of the image you project. You go your own way, and you could leave others feeling a bit left out! We offer a Couples Report based on the composite chart. This house is associated with secrets and things hidden under the surface. In the sixth house of daily work routines, lifestyle and doing things correctly, Saturn puts an overly serious tone on an already serious house. One of you may end up feeling used or less than satisfied. There is little patience when it comes to dealing with issues. At the same, it may confer an element of suspiciousness and nosiness in the person who has this in their chart. Composite Mars in the 3rd House. In fact, you feel a strong sense of purpose as a couple. Also, wealth received through inheritance. It could be due to racial, religious, and gender concerns.

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