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matt a new nursing assistant, tells a resident

Jane is explaining the procedure to Ms. Gonzalez in English. (A) The right to voice complaints without fear of punishment (B) The right to refuse medication and treatment (C) The right to have visitors (D) The right to . I'm busy Embed Code - If you would like this activity on your web page, copy the script below and paste it into activity When using a cane, the resident should place it on his/her ______________ side. She knows Miss Scott has Alzheimer's disease and won't notice that it is gone anyways. protection and shelter Ms. Gonzalez only speaks Spanish. A) A bloodborne disease Amy is a nursing assistant at Sweetwater retirement home. if a nursing assistant does not actually see an incident but arrives after it has already occurred, he should document what he thinks happened true or false? Steam expands through the first-stage turbine to 0.7MPa0.7\ \mathrm{MPa}0.7MPa and then is reheated to 480C480^{\circ} \mathrm{C}480C. Mrs. Perkins is a visually impaired resident. how is eligibility for medicaid determined? Which right isn't being violated ? What is the largest organ in the human body? Sound of frequency 607 Hz is coming through the entrance from within the room. The mass center G of the car has a velocity of 40 mi/hr at position A and 1.52 seconds later at B has a velocity of 50 mi/hr. A) Supine 2. telling the resident about a date that the nursing assistant had over the weekend 2 \mathrm{H}_2 \mathrm{~S}(\mathrm{~g})+3 \mathrm{O}_2(\mathrm{~g}) & \longrightarrow 2 \mathrm{H}_2 \mathrm{O}(\mathrm{l})+2 \mathrm{SO}_2(\mathrm{~g}) ; \\ \end{aligned} True or False, A NA may share a resident's medical information with his/her family friends at Wal-Mart? C) Over the resident's clothing and around the waist C) Is the largest organ in the body of the sound after it passes through the doorway when (a) one door is open and (b) both doors are open? the NA may put himself or someone else in danger. \end{array} & \\ D) Before washing the face, A fracture pan is used for voiding for -prescriptions for treatment. Diagnosed diseas or disability and prescribed treatment? 1) insert or remove tubes True or False, A CNA/NA may cut the fingernails/toenails of any resident in the facility? The NA should perform the activity if he or she believes it is best for the resident. A) Lying flat on his back assisted-living facilities are initially for? To protect absolutely secured the privacy of health information, What Is included under protected health information ( PHI ). Is Minecraft discontinued on Nintendo Switch? ( professional or unprofessional ) Being neatly dressed and groomed. 5. following policies and procedures ( True / False ) the information in an incident report is confidential. which residents' right does this violate? In nursing homes it is the frontline staff who are the ones who have to take care of these residents. Private time with a partner is appropriate for meeting sexual needs, and one's personal appearance and self-esteem are related to their feelings of . the information in an incident report is confidential true or false? Laura, the nursing assistant at great oak extended care facility, is running behind with her work for the evening. An affected side of the body, is one that is ____________due to stroke or injury, The surgical removal of some or all of a body part, usually a hand, arm, leg or foot, The ability to think logically and clearly, Way of describing how disease is transmitted from human being to another, A surgically created opening from an area inside the body to the outside, Exercises that put a joint through it's full arc of motion. Someone can be held responsible for harming someone else. \text { large particles with } \\ The goal is also to help front line staff manage these residents as well. -meals However, engaging in public fondling is inappropriate and may infringe on other resident's rights. \text { clear mixture with particles } \\ What is the most important nutrient for life? A shortage of nursing assistants at nursing homes - a problem that predates COVID but has been compounded by the pandemic - has resulted in some beds remaining empty. Assisted living facilities are initially for what. Nursing assistant care THE BASICs (chapter 3), Introduction to Maternity and Pediatric Nursing. Income and special circumstances What are three tasks that NAs are not allowed to preform? 6. what is the correct response by an NA if someone who is not directly involved with a resident's care asks for a resident's PHI? Standards of Conduct for Licensed Nursing Assistants and Certified Medication Assistants . Jane begins to perform the care on Ms. Gonzales. Any resident who cannot get out of bed Draw the schematic diagram of a three-input CMOS gate that realizes the logic function A(B+C)\overline{A(B+C)}A(B+C). She is getting frustrated with him because he keeps taking the fork out of her hand and dropping it on the floor. What are three tasks that NAs are not allowed to preform? LPN/LVN ( licensend practical/vocational nurse). During the course of measuring vitals on your assigned resident's, you note a reading of 152/100, what should you do? A NA is frustrated at a patient who keeps dropping his fork. (a) the rate of heat addition, in kJ\mathrm{kJ}kJ per kg\mathrm{kg}kg of steam entering the first-stage turbine. (b) Suppose heat from this reaction is used to heat 1.00L1.00 \mathrm{~L}1.00L of the SO2\mathrm{SO}_2SO2 from 25C25^{\circ} \mathrm{C}25C to 500C500^{\circ} \mathrm{C}500C for its use in the next step of the process. C.) Residents who have problems with urinary incontinence D) Involved side, Why should the NA note the color, odor and qualities of the urine and stool after the resident has used the bedpan, BSC or urinal, Changes may be the first sign of a medical problem, A pulse oximeter measures Transmission based Precautions are used in _____________ to Standard Precautions. Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Flash Cards Question: mmhg Answer: Millimeters of mercury; labeling for blood pressure reading Question: Sphygmomanometer Answer: Blood pressure cuff Question: Systolic/Diastolic Answer: Method for displaying blood pressure ie. D) Residents with development disabilities. \hline \begin{array}{l} Always take the time to say "please can you do this" or "thank you very much for doing that for me". True or false? which residents' right does this violate? Harry, a young CNA, is measuring a residents vital signs when the resident's family arrives. Why should a NA NOT do tasks that are not assigned to him? Why should a nursing assistant not do tasks that are not assigned to him? Terminal means it will be the cause of a person"s death. A) Decide which special diet is right for the resident -promote self-care & independence, helps residents socialize and stay active, Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) or Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN), Licensed professional who has completed one to two years of education and is able to administer medications and give treatments, helps residents get support services, such as counseling, performs assigned tasks, such as taking vital signs and providing personal care, helps residents learn to adapt to disabilities by training residents to perform ADLS and other activities, Administers therapy in the form of heat, cold, massage, ultrasound, electrical stimulation, and exercise to muscles, bones, and joints, diagnoses disease or disability and prescribes treatment, creates diets for residents with special needs, Licensed professional who has graduated from a two-to four-year nursing program and coordinates, manages, and provides skilled nursing care, Person whose condition, treatment, and progress are what the care team revolves around, teaches exercises to help the resident improve or overcome speech problems, it describes the line of authority in a facility, liability is a legal term that means what, someone can be held responsible for harming someone else. A federal law that requires health information be kept private and secure and that organizations take special steps to protect this information. - part D: helps pay for medication prescribed for treatment. See our This significantly hinders wound healing, and can cause amputation of a limb or other medical problems. reasoning and communication. Helps residents get support services, such as counseling. Matt a new nursing assistant, tells a resident 1 months ago Comments:0 Views:5 Share Like focusNode Table of ContentsShow When should a nursing assistant identify a resident? The Coordinating Team consists of: the nursing supervisor or unit manager, unit secretary, and dietitian. An accident or Unexpected event in the course of care, A resident on low sodium diet receives and eats a regular non restricted meal. Transmission based Precautions are used in _____________ to Standard Precautions. She knows Ms. Rice has Alzheimer's disease and wont notice that is gone away. reasoning and communication. using confidential rooms for reporting from the residents. True or False, When securing a indwelling catheter, you should position the catheter in an up ward direction, to assure the best drainage? - part A: helps pay for care in hospitals for skilled nursing facilities or home health or hospice - part B: helps pay for Dr. services, medical services, and equipment - part C: allows private health insurance and provides medicare benefits - part D: helps pay for medication prescribed for treatment how is eligibility for medicaid determined? Mass customization is a marketing and manufacturing technique that Essie S. asked 10/04/16 Hi, everyone. \Delta H^{\circ} &=-1124 \mathrm{~kJ} Mrs Gonzalez is confused. siddhartha quotes about wisdom with page numbers. Preforms assigned tasks, such as measuring vital signs and providing personal care. Jane is explaining a care procedure to Mrs. Gonzalez in English. Which residents' right this violate? using confidential rooms for reporting on residents. Medicaid has four parts. Helps residents learn to adapt to disabilities by training them to perform activities of daily living and other activities. He has medication for it, but he says that it makes him nauseous and does not want to take it. c) sense of touch Follow chain if command until action is taken, Investigate absolutely resolve residents complaints. When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Water is the working fluid in an ideal Rankine cycle with reheat. D) Rock from front to back, Generally, the last sense to leave the body after death is D) Heart attack, What is the best position for a resident with COPD? services and activities to maintain a high level of wellness. a policy is a course of action to be followed for example all health information must remain confident true or false? If you knew the answer, click the green Know box. facilities will have procedures for reporting information about residents true or false? it is a best practice to make your urls as long and descriptive as possible. He tells them, "You'll have to come back another day. You have an interview scheduled with a perspective employer, it is acceptable to bring your child along, if you were unable to secure other childcare? \text { thixotropic behavior } matt a new nursing assistant, tells a residentchristopher lee height, weight. What happens to the spring of a bathroom scale when a weight is placed on it? The right to difnity, respect and freedom. Dr. Smith begins to give verbal orders to you. B) Perineum C) Not being able to breathe Coordinates, manages, and provides skilled nursing care, as well as supervises nursing assistants' daily care is residents. long term care facilities may offer assisted living, sub acute care, or specialized care, t or f. facilities that offer specialized care must have specially trained employees, t or f. nonprofit organizations cannot own long term care facilities, t or f. person-directed care means that staff should treat all residents exactly the same, t or f. culture change means basing care on each individuals needs, List two groups of people who qualify for medicare, -65+ what is the correct response by a nursing assistant if someone who is not directly involved with a resident's care ask for a residence PHI? The goal of this presentation is to review methods to handle difficult residents. -certain disabilities, -personal care (bathing, hair care, etc.) PropertyTypeofSolutioncloudymixturewithparticlesthatmoveerraticallylargeparticleswiththixotropicbehaviorclearmixturewithparticlesthatscatterlight\begin{array}{|l|l|} Ms. Land, an elderly resident, gets into a has a blue sweater that she loves to wear. Dealing with death. Finally she slaps his hand to get him to stop. Signs of shock include What is one nursing assistant responsibility during the admission of a new resident? which of the following would be considered an incident? The right to participate in their own care. B) Swelling \text { cloudy mixture with particles } \\ Reissuance or Subsequent Issuance of a Nursing Assistant License or Medication Assistant Certificate RULES May 23, 2018 . True or False, Alzheimer's disease causes tangled nerve fibers and protein deposits to form in the brain, eventually causing dementia. -move around safely True or false, Symptoms of Alzheimer's disease typically appear suddenly, List the 5 basic physical needs that all humans have, food and water protection and shelter activity sleep and rest comfort and freedom from pain, Hospice care is the term for compassionate care given to A) Residents with respiratory diseases B) Residents who are dying C) Residents with Parkinson's disease D) Residents with development disabilities. if a nursing assistant receives an injury on the job, they should file an incident report true or false? Nursing assistants should encourage residents to do as much for themselves as possible. It also covers those of any age with permanent kidney failure and certain disabilities. True or False. Then click the card to flip it. C) Before washing the hands Problems with other healthcare workers. Which residents' right this violate? 3) change sterile dressings. the nursing assistant must follow the chain of command. purposeful mistreatment that causes physical, mental, or emotional pain or injury to someone, the purposeful failure to give needed care, resulting in harm to a person, a threat to harm a person, resulting in the person feeling fearful that he or she will be harmed, the intentional touching of a person without their consent, physical, sexual, or emotional abuse by spouses, intimate partners, or family members, unlawful restraint that affects a person's freedom of movement, the improper or illegal use of a persons money, possessions, property, or other assets, the separation of a person from others against the person's will, injury caused by professional misconduct through negligence, carelessness, or lack of skill, actions, or failure to act or provide proper care, resulting in the unintended injury to a person, the unintentional failure to provide needed care, resulting in a physical, mental, or emotional harm to a person, intentional or unintentional treatment that causes harm to a persons body - includes slapping, bruising, cutting, burning, physical restraining, pushing, shoving, and rough handling, emotional harm caused by threatening, scarring, humiliating, intimidating, isolating, or insulting a person, are they treating him or her as a child, the forcing of a person to perform or participate in sexual acts against their will, any unwelcome sexual advances or behavior that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment, the use of legal or illegal drugs, cigarettes, or alcohol in a way that harms oneself or others, the use of spoken or written words, pictures, or gestures that threaten, embarrassed, or insult another person, verbal, physical, or sexual abuse of care team members by residence or other care team members. Performance of Nursing Assistant Tasks; Performance of Medication Assistant Tasks . Ms. Gonzales looks confused and doesn't respond. which residents' right does this violate? D) Pumps blood through the bloods vessels to the cells, B) Controls and coordinates body functions, For a person with COPD, a common fear is You have overheard the doctor telling the nurse the resident has cancer. D) Prevent urinary incontinence, C. Reposition residents without causing shearing, A partial bath includes washing the residents, face, hands, underarms and perineum, and is done on days when a full bath isn't done, One task of an onbudsman is to \text { that scatter light } Which resident's behavior should be reported to the nurse? If you forget it there is no way for StudyStack He tells her that she had better not tell anyone about it or he will be very angry at her. Position residents sitting _____________for eating. Purposeful mistreatment that cause she physical, mental, or emotional pain or injury to someone, The purposeful failure to give needed care, resulting in harm to a person, A threat resulting in a person feeling fearful that he will be harm, The intentional touching of a person without her consent, Physical, sexual, or emotional abuse by spouses, intimate partners or family members, Unlawful restraint that's affects a persons freedom of movement, The improper or illegal use of a persons money, possessions, property or other assets, The desperation of a person from others against the persons will, Injury caused by professional misconduct through negligence, carelessness or lack of skill, Actions or the failure to act or provide proper care resulting in unintended injury to a person, The unintentional failure to provide needed care, resulting in physcial, mental or emotional harm to a person, Any treatment intentional or unintentional that causes harm to a persons body included slapping, bruising , cutting, burning , physically restraining, pushing, shoving and rough handling. a resident on a low sodium diet receives and eats a regular, non-restricted mea. Klasse, Kapitel 4, Wort-Sch, CNA chapter 2: Foundations of Resident Care, Long Term Care for the Activity Professional, Julie S Snyder, Linda Lilley, Shelly Collins. Finally she slapped his hand to get him to stop. Jim a nursing assistant, tells her that she cannot wear the sweater today because it takes him too long to help her into it. B) Controls and coordinates body function A) Straight B) Genital C) Clean catch D) Indwelling, Inhaling food, fluid or foreign material into the lungs is called A) Dehydration B) Hyperalimentation C) Hydration D) Aspiration, One symptom of dehydration is dark colored urine True or False, Why is it important to identify each resident before serving their meal, To make certain they receive the correct consistency of food and/or drink for their abilities, To restore the person to the highest possible level of functioning, Ambulation is another word for ________________, OBRA requires that nursing assistants complete ____ hours of annual continuing education, A way to help residents regain balance before standing up, The normal respiration rate for adults ranges from, Which of the following is considered a plant based protein? 2H2S(g)+3O2(g)H2H2O(l)+2SO2(g);=1124kJ. How many ounces of fluid does a human need daily? What is true about adult day care services? C) Blood oxygen level and pulse rate

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